lqt~fi lqsä.æ lqtE lqtE g~Bi =^t~i =ZV} Öj.æ 3Z~jtæ
Bihamyafahin Bajmatin Yaghfarin Mayhaqarin Masyalin Syahwanin Syahuunin Bajahuunin Malyahuunin
Below is the Arabic translation :
{~E ga ueãp {~E ga å< hq~^eã é2eã #mã <8ä^eã #mã 9jJeã #mã 91ãqeã #mã êã ä}
ú=% wY '~fR% {~E Õ<: dä^*i cnQ å?R} v {~E ga ûfQ <8ä] {~E gbæ keäQp
Ya Allahu antal wahidu anta as-samadhu antal qadiru antal hayyul qayyumu rabba kulla syay-in wa ilaha kulli syay-in wa ‘alima bikulli syay-in qaadirun ‘ala kulli syay-in la ya’zibu anka mistqala dzarrati syay-in ta’alayta pala tura.
Meaning in English:
Oh God, You are the only one, You are the most independent source, You are the mighty, mighty are You who stand on Your own life, God that manages all, You are the God of all things, and You are knowledgeable in all things, the most power over all things, You are blameless, You are exalted and invisible.
Understand that the Lord has promised you that if you recite the above asma faithfully, in a clean condition, with clean clothing and place, then a few malaikat (angels) in the form of lights will present, accompany with tremor of the heaven and earth. The angels can evoke all other angels of the ruhaniat group for you, make you brave in front of the royalties, be accepted by all and to tie the tongues of your opponents, fulfil all your desires, safe from harm of all creatures, can be used as a weapon to treat possessions, to punish, destroy Lord's ememies...
I believe this is the source of Solomonic magic. For your reading pleasure only.