Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Wish Fulfilling Snake: Cintamani

Lagend has it that the snake Cintamani is a magical snake of small size, short, colorful with duck beaks. It likes to nest amongst trees. It is believed the snake’s voice is very melodious, any living things that has heard its voice will be dazzled and transfixed. According to stories, this snake Cintamani is fed by wild birds, it just has to open its mouth and the birds would come and feed the snake automatically.

The size of snake Cintamani is only as thick as a cane, but it is as poisonous as any othe poisonous snake. Many people like to search for the nest of Cintamani because they believe that having the nest of such a snake will get the same benefit as the actual snake Cintamani itself; i.e. bussiness will come rolling effotlessly.

Now without the need to hunt for a snake Cintamani, you will be able to possess the power of this snake by chanting the below mantras:

The Prosperity Mantra Of Snake Cintamai

“Bismillahirahmannirrahim, h
ai Sri Cintamani, aku menghadap ke timur, aku makmur, aku enghadap ke barat, aku isyarat. Berkat aku memakai doa ular cintamani, Syeikh Saidi mengajar aku, berkat guru makbul limpah aku, kuuuurrrr semangat. Sekalian umat muhammad...... menyerkup bumi tapak adam, cucur mencurah menimbun lambak padaku, kuuuur semangat. Sekalian umat muhammad menyerkup langit, sekalian umat memandang aku manis. Laut, darat, timur, barat, utara, selatan, cucur menimbun lambak kepadaku. Syeikh Wali menjaga depan pintu mukaku, Syeikh Saidi mngajar aku. Berkat guru makbul kepadaku, berkat doa : Laa ilaha illallah muhammadar rasullulah.”

The Love Science Of Snake Cinta Mani

"Bismillah Hirrohmannirrohim.

Hai Ular Cinta Mani

Engkaulah baya nur allah

Dari kecil aku besarkan,

Dari tua aku mudakan,

Seperti kanak-kanak hari yang ketujuh seperti cahya mukaku,

Seperti kanak-kanak hari yang ketujuh,

Sedangkan orang kaya-kaya lagi kasih sayangkan aku,

Sedangkan Raja-Raja lagi kasih sayangkan aku,

Sedangkan burung disisi awan lagikan turun mendengar aku membaca

Doa Ular Cinta Mani,

Cinta Allah Cinta Muhammad,

Cinta Baginda rasullullah,

Dengan berkat doa lailahaillallah muhammadarrasulluallah."

Ways of doing it is while chanting place both your palms together and rub it. After finishing the chant blow onto both your palms and wipe in on your face from bottom to top. Do not wipe it from top to bottom. Chant this on a daily basis. You may chnat this 1x 3x or more as you wish.

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