Saturday, August 18, 2018

Kundalini Psychosis In TCM (中医眼中的入魔)

Kundalini psychosis or the Westerner's demonic possession can be explained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

In TCM, kundalini psychosis can be categorized into 5 categories:

1. Shriveling of feet (足部萎缩)

When a person has meditated for an extended period of time, then his blood circulation would be blocked causing vascular atrophy (血管萎缩). The remedy is to shorten each meditation session and perform full body exercises.

2. Stroke (中风)

This situation occurs to a person during meditation when he suddenly collapses, speechless and couldn't move; or even death. Superstitious folks would think the person has achieved immortality and hence forsaken his body.

The fact is actually the person has suffered  cerebral hemorrhage, cerebrovascular obstruction, cerebral vascular hypoxia and anemia. 

Cerebral hemorrhage occurred when a practitioner has overly intense concentration in his visualization causing excessive blood clogged in his brain; if his cerebral hardened then cerebral thrombus deposition would occur. And it is precisely the movement of this deposition of thrombus that has reached the brain or carotid artery causing stroke.

3. The leakage of golden light (金光外泄)

A person when overly concentrated during his meditation would caused his shoulders and neck to be extremely stiff, in addition to that his brain also suffers cerebral congestion. The external symptom is that the person's face becomes flush red and he also feels extremely hot. If the problem is serious, the person could feel steam is released from the top of his head.

When the situation is out of control, the person may experience insomnia, headache, cannot think correctly and even cannot control his behaviors.

4. Uncontrolled movements (灵动)

After a person has meditated over a period of time, his abdominal arteries would squirm and increase compression due to lack of blood returned from heart. The more vigorous movement means the abdomen is in serious need of blood. This abdomen contractions naturally can be misinterpreted as some kind of 'spiritual power'.

The best action to prevent further uncontrolled body movements is to stand up and to exercise. 

However, if the movements are unchecked, then the person may overly sweat and his face will turn pale. Fatality maybe resulted when myocardinal stiffness happened. Cardiac hypertrophy and myocardial congestion if the may also be resulted over time.

5. Hallucinations and mental problems

Hallucinations will occur when the body is severely lack of blood sugar due to excessive fasting. At this stage, a practitioner will see all those wonderful holy realms as depicted in those holy books.

If the person is allowed to drink some syrup and rested for half and hour, or until his blood sugar level increased. The person will be back to normal.

In short, demonic possessions or kundalini psychosis is actually a misconception in the absence of proper medical knowledge.

It is my hope that by posting this article will at least help people to understand what a doctor has to say about spiritual practices.

In simple terms:

Demonic possession is actually caused by mind and body problems. It is not caused by the battle between gods and demons. And, seemingly extra ordinary phenomena during meditation are only the product of improper meditation practices; where our body reacted to our biological needs. Nothing supernatural at all。

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