Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Plant And Health (植物与健康)

I read the Bible especially the Old Testament because there are a lot of information and hidden messages. 

There is a reason why God put Adam inside the garden of Eden. Obviously men on the whole cannot live without being surrounded by plants. I can only guess about the initial purpose of God but I found out that it is true that for our human mental, spiritual and physical health; we must consistently come into contact with plants. Preferably with trees given a choice.

Many of us are forced to stay in high rise buildings hence lacking the required contact with mother earth. People who stayed above 5 stories are more exposed to the influences of wind and fire (sun) elements. They are likely to fall sick during the change of seasons and due to lack of earth elements; these folks would easily feel agitated, insecure and hot tempered. In long run, this group of people is very likely to suffer from mental depression, kundalini syndrome, respiratory illnesses and cancers.

As a remedial measure, it is best to visit a recreational park with plenty of pine, cypress, willow and neem trees as these trees are very good air purifiers. A morning walk among trees is especially important for a cancer patient as those trees will absorb waste and toxins emitted from the patient and in exchange; he/she will inhale fresh air charged with negative ions. This type of air exchange is of utmost beneficial to aid in healing process.

Even a healthy person can benefit from walking among trees in the morning as seeing greenery, breathing fresh air and touching tree trunks will remove negative energies carried forward from the work, house or friends. 

There are many exercises one can perform in a garden with trees:

  • One can first stand facing a healthy tree about 3 feet away. He/she can first take a few deep breaths of air and then raised his arms with his/her palms facing the tree trunk. Try to feel the energy flow from the palm towards the tree and vice versa.
  • When one can feel the energy exchange. He/she can proceed to touch or hug the tree. Be careful of the presence of ants and other insects however.
  • After a while, the person will feel refreshed and relaxed.
  • If the time is permitted, he/she can turn his back with his/her back facing the tree at a distance of about 3 feet away.
  • Just perform stand meditation. Some people may feel a force sucking him/her towards the tree. Don't panic as this is normal energy exchange.
  • This exercise is particularly useful for cancer and high blood patients.
If there are no trees in the vicinity, or anyone who are staying in high rise apartments cannot afford to visit public gardens; then he/she can resort to set up a corner of his/her apartment with grow lights. After that he/she can plant 10 to 20 pots of fragrant flowers and herbs. Be careful that the person is not allergic to any of those plants.

When the setup is ready:

  • He/she can sit in front of the plants or flowers and slowly moving his/her palms over those plants while inhaling the scents. 
  • If this exercise is done correctly, then the person will feel fresh and happy.
  • If any of the plants died, it should be replaced. In fact, planting vegetables with hydro-farming is a good idea too. Not only a person can absorb plant energies, at the end of the day; he/she has vegetables to eat too.
The best place for negative energy removal, health recovery or simply mental stress removal is still near a waterfall with tall trees. Every time I sat beside a waterfall, I could feel my fatigue gone instantly and my body becomes energetic almost at once.

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