Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Fallacy Of Book Of Death (度亡经的谬误)

It is none of my business as to how a person interpreted the ‘Book Of The Death’. I only want to point out some mistakes people who think they understood the book very well superficially.

A few days ago, I overheard a lady who appeared to be a follower of Tibetan Buddhism attending one funeral service:

“Oh! The dying process in Tibetan Book Of The Death says that all reincarnation process would ceased after 49 days…”

I didn’t interrupt her words as I had no intention to start a lengthy argument with the lady. Since there are still many people like her who just take words of the ‘book’ superficially, I might as well point out some unknown facts of the ‘book’:
  1. The book is for those people who are practitioners who can see the energy spots (bindu) and energy channels (nadi). Because during the dying process, a person’s consciousness is already in a state of confusion and it might not be able to ‘listen’ to what a guru tells his/her soul. So if you cannot see the deceased’s soul, you have no idea of what he/she experienced; moreover to liberate the person’s soul. If you cannot save his/her soul, the only option for the dead is to follow you home! (no joking)
  2. Since the deceased’s soul is weak, the only best thing is to guide the deceased’s soul into a practitioner’s body and go over the process described in the Book Of Death. So a practitioner needs to enter the state of meditation in order to guide the dead soul and not just by reading. Only by confining the soul in a practitioner’s chakra and energy channel that the dead soul can control the timing correctly.
  3. The ‘day’ in the book does not refer to our humanly ‘day’ of 24 hours. The length of a day for deva is much longer than a ‘day’ for a dog for example. There are just too many people literarily take the so-called ‘day’ in the book as our human day… provided that you can guide the dead soul into your own energy channel and synchronize the ‘animal day’ into ‘human day’.
  4. The description of duration between death and birth as 49 days. As I have pointed out that this may not be true for a person who is destined to be an ‘asura’ or a ‘hungry ghost’. The length can be immediately to hundreds of years.
  5. The duration of light a dead soul experiences can be in split seconds to a few minutes pending on the soul’s karma. A practitioner can hold the light for as long as 7 days in meditative state. 

So, if the process is as simple as what the lady has said, then there is no need for a guru. Although you can recite the book to the deceased, his/her soul might not be able to hear you if you are not ‘in sync’ with his/her frequency. A good try if you would, but I call it a waste of time and bad karma though you meant good.

1 comment:

  1. Good post my friend. I have heard: the "day" is a metaphor for the meditation cultivated in life as to how long one can remain in meditation without distraction. If one can meditate for 15 minutes, for example, then "a day" in the after-death bardo corresponds to 15 minutes in this human bardo.
