Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ilmu Besi Kursani

There is a type of ritual for protection popular with Malay society. The purpose is to activate invulnerability to sharp objects, to silence the enemy, to protect valuables from thief, to increase power of punch, to be safe from danger and food poisoning and also to absorb others invulnerability.


There are a few versions of Besi Kursani mantra amongst the Malays. I will list three versions of them for your reading pleasure:


“Bosi Pasak, Bosi Kursani

Togak toguh selero dalam badanku

Berokat Laailahaillallah



“Hai Bosi Putih Bosi Kursani

Bosi Palilit di pinggangku

Kuat aku baki Saidina Ali

Gagah aku bak Saidina Hamzah

Alhamdu, Alhamdu, Alhamdu

Usah dikau makan hati yang putih

Engkau makan darah dek daging

Jikalau engkau makan hati yang putih

Durhako engkau kepada Allah,

Hai Kaddam Kuddim

Keluarlah engkau daripado tompat yang jahat

Ke tujuh petalo langit dan ke tujuh petalo bumi

Keluarlah engkau daripado tompatnyo

Berokat doa Lailaha Illallah Muhammad rasulullah”


“Terdirilah bosi kursani

Didalam batang tubuhku,

Dek aku mengetahui

Laahaula wa laa quataillabillahi ‘aliyul ‘adzim,

Yahun kanda dek aku mengetahui

Laahaula wa laa quataillabillahi ‘aliyul ‘adzim,

Fillah amri saina nan bangkit

Dek aku mengetahui

Laahaula wa laa quataillabillahi ‘aliyul ‘adzim,

Sandalmanzud Rasulullahi salallahu alaihi wassalam

Qullahu ‘adzim. Alfatihah”.


I just want put a short addition to the above ritual that the above ritual must be preceded with ‘menaikkan’ ritual or the ‘arising’ ritual similar to:



‘Menaikan’ is a term used in Malay ritual and it has the meaning of initial ritual and has the purpose of unification of the ritual with the practitioner.
The Besi Kursani ritual must be closed with “mandi minyak” ritual or “oil bath”:



However, the “mandi minyak” ritual must be led by a Master as it involves the use of hot oil.


Other link of interest: