Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Invocation Of Leklai

Do you believe it that if I say leklai can be found out side Thailand? In US people call leklai Shaman stone, Moqui marbles etc. All of them has iron ores within. The above is a pair of Shaman stones.

Below leklai invocation gives life to leklai, and I think this ritual should work with shaman stones, moqui marbles and the like. Before you get your hands on expensive leklai, why not try out the alternatives first, you may be surprised.

The leklai empowerment procedure:

Joss Stick Prayers

Ma Ark Uk, Sivan, Bromma, Chittam, Vinyan Nun, Khruba Archan, Mani Mama Mani Ma.

Offerings of Candles

Buddho Sabbannutanano, Dhammo Lokuttaro Varo, Sangkho Magga Balanto Ca, Iuetam Ratanatayam, Etasa Anubhavena, Sabba Dukkha, Uppaddava, Antaraya Ca, Nasantu Sabba Sotthi Bhavantu Me

Homage To Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha

Na Mo Ta Sa, Pa Ka Wa Toh, Are Ra Ha Toh Samma Sam Bud Tha Sa (3 Times)

Homage to Gurus & Masters

Sadhu Sadhu Kha Tair Khun Prac Phoot, Khun Prac Ruesi thang Roi-Pet Oung, Khun  Prac Lersi Leklai, Prac Khun Thang Lai, Chong Ma Pra Sit Pra Sat Hai Kha Pha Chau, Khau Pha Chau Ca Khor Rain Gatha Akhom (Tham Khan – Do what…..) Khor Hai Mi Khwan Suck Sit Kert Iddhi Rit. Mi Maha Sachan Khwan Khlang Athan Pattihan Nai Kan Bat Nik Chong Thook Pra Kan Duay Thern. (3 Times)

Phra Lersi Leklai na ma pha tha

Phra Lersi Leklai Ma pha tha na

Phra Lersi Laklai pha tha na ma

Phra Lersi Leklai than a ma pha

Phra Leklai Lerk Ler Lerk ler

Phra Lersi Leklai san vi tha bud gay a pa

Phra Lersi atthi imat sammim ka-yea, k sa, loma, nakha, danta, tajo, mangsan, naharu, atthi atthi minchan vakkan, hadayan, yakanan, kilomakan, bihakan, bappasan, antan, antagunan, udariyan, karisan, bittan, siamhhang, bei poh, lohitan, settho, mettho, are su, vasa, k low, sinkhaniga, lasiga, mattan, mattha k, mattha lang, khan ti.

Phra Lersi Leklai saraphat winyan ah khat chai ya, ah khat chai he, ma ni ma ma. X 32 times

Life Giving Mantra

Jantang Santang, Itti Sing Ka Ray, Ark Sorn Kar Jantang (7 Times)

Spirit Manifestation Mantra

Na Ma Pa Tha, Na Mo Pud Tha Ya, Rr Rer, Lerk Ler (7 Times)

Appeallation of Power

Om Namo Namassakan, Kha Khor Buja Phra Khru Thwan Nar, Khor Chern Ma Su, Prac Khru Thang Lai, Than Dai Endu, Khor Chern Ma Su Toa Kha Ca Tham Khan, Khor Hai Mi Chai Jhana Kair Man Wan Ni, Chern Thang Ma Fau, Chai Long Thoop Thien Mak-Phlu, Kha Ca Teng Wai Su, Phra Khru Thook Oung, Kra Jet Nam Man, Thook Phan Ban Chong, Phra Khru Thook Oung Hai Pien Pra Sitthi. Toa Kha Ca Pluk Mon, Pluk Yan Monthon, Pluk Khrung Thang Ni, Pluk Nam Akhrak, Ak Sorn Di Di, Pluk Rung Kayi, Thook Phan Na Na, Pluk Ner Pluk Nang, Ik Thang Mang Sang, Kra Duk Rupa, Pluk Nam Pluk Diot, Diot Lern Kern Ma, Pluk Nam Akhrak Erk Ark Pra Dham

Na Ma Na Ark          Nor Kor Na Ka

Kor Or Nor Ark      Na Ark Ka Ang

Wu Mi Ark Mi          Ma Hi Su Tam

Su Na Buddham     A Su Na A

lerk Ler, Lerk Ler Raksa Chau Kham Ti Nar Ti Lang, Thang Nang, Kern Ma Na So Mo So Buddho, Kern Ma Na Nam Ya, Dha Ya Si Sit See Thi.

Although it is a common believe that a leklai has the power to avoid a gun shot, I would not recommend it. So, try at your own risk. Also, the invocation works if you have a guru's guidiance. Posted here for your reference only.

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