Friday, June 16, 2017

Black Magic N Cyber Bully

After I start blog writing, I realized something called 'cyber bully'.

Later I realized black magic don't work, but cyber bully does.

When I start writing Thai magic, someone cautioned me not to fool with magic or else I could be blown out by POWERFUL black magician...

When I stopped writing blog to tackle my lady friend, the rumors continued to say that I was probably blown out by black magic...

I wonder what would those folks say next?

If black magic does work:

1. I would be blown into pieces and cast to hell by now.
2. The world would have been ruled by black magicians.
3. Those leaders we like to hate would not be so at ease.
4. Those forum members would not want to spread gossips within their circles...
5. Your wife would not be your wife at the first place...
6. Your boss would already be killed by those flying needles...
7. All of hard labours would be done by ghosts as they are free...
8. All banks would be empty by now...

So, I leave it to your own judgement to determine if black magic really works.

For those forum members who still throwing black magic at Mr. Liew, please continue to do so but please don't become cyber bully. If black magicians turn cyber bullies, then those folks had become the disgrace of black magic community.

The only conclusion I can make at this point is that the power of black magic lies on cyber bully... *SIGH*