Monday, September 3, 2018

Classes Of Spirits According To Conjuror (役灵者眼中的精灵)

A conjuror views spirits very differently compared to ordinary folks and religious groups. The reason is that while other folks treat spirits passively, conjurors must manage their spirits to perform work. They must know what type of spirits are best for what type of work; and which spirits are best to be kept alone.


The God's name cannot be challenged. It is an absolute unchallenged name of power. The name of God is used to command spirits during exorcism, summoning, deployment etc. But a conjuror cannot kill another spirit under God's name. Only the God can decide what to do with the spirit.

Supervisory spirits

A Middle Eastern conjuror will have one or two supervisory spirits to oversee his conjurations or magic rituals.These supervisory spirits are normally bound into a conjuror's magic ring. Perhaps you have noticed in movies such as Arabian nights movies that evil magicians wear many big and small rings. In reality, most of these rings are bound with more powerful spirits. These spirits are normally passive and overlook the safety of the magician. They do not act unless necessary.

A supervisory spirit should be a spirit of higher hierarchy and the most powerful that a conjuror can find. Though angels are much preferred, they are normally a little far reached for ordinary conjurors and magicians. 

I have a ring bound with Lilith which has saved me from the attack of evil bomoh's servitor spirit. So, any spirits such as ifrit or marid jinn are possible. There is no set of rules.

In Thai magic, the supervisory spirits are normally lineage gurus of each tradition. So, the 'wai-kru' or teachers' ritual is of utmost important. This is the same as in tantric rituals.

Servitor spirits

This type of spirits are the spirits a conjuror usually deployed and they stay very closed to the conjuror. Basically, ghosts, animal spirits, lower classes of jinn etc. belonged to servitor spirits. 

Basically a servitor spirit is a working class spirit and the already mentioned 'hantu raya' is a classic example of a servitor spirit in Malay and Thai magic.

Another example is the Taoist's 5-ghosts (五鬼) or any of his/her ghost servents (养鬼).

In most cases, servitor spirits are more important than the supervisory spirits and they are more close to the conjuror.

Expendable spirits

These group of spirits are a lump of spirits of every kinds. These spirits normally summoned in a group to do a general task. These spirits are good at attracting customers, disturbing people and general magic work. They are expendable compared to servitor spirits.

The Taoist's 5-legionnaire armies (五营兵) are just a bunch of wandering spirits assembled to serve the Taoist. These expendable spirits must constantly be replenished as some of them wasted away over time.

Loaned spirits

When a conjuror is in a foreign place and in a desperate need for spiritual help. He/she can summon some local spirits to serve him/her. These spirits on loan are normally some earthbound spirits.

Though forms

The concept of thought forms is nothing new. The so-called 'khodam' in Middle Eastern magic is actually though forms. Thought forms are also very popular in Western Magic and Taoist magic.

Thought forms are normally created for specific jobs. They have limited intelligence. Most thought forms are created by magicians and bound them into rings and sold as magic rings. It is very difficult to differentiate if a ring is bound with intelligence or a thought form.

If a ring is bound with a real spirit, then there is no need to fumigate or recite mantra. However, if a ring is embedded with a thought form; it will need constant fumigation and mantra recitations. In fact, most of the rings sold openly are bound with thought forms.

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