Monday, September 10, 2018

Jann (风精灵)

The Jann jinn of Arabia is very much misunderstood class of jinn. Some relates it as the weakest class of jinn while others described it as powerful spirit of air (wind). Both are correct as Jann is basically a class of air spirit.

The Japanese Kamikaze (神风) or 'divine wind' that defeated the Mongolian invasion in 1247 is the counterpart of Jann. Although later scientific research shown that the defeat has something to do with human design error by National Geographic if I am not mistaken. Anyway, the spirit is the same.

Jann in its smaller form is represented by small whirlwind that we commonly seen on the street. It can sweep dried leaves into midair. Old folks believe that these whirlwinds are caused by ghosts playing together.

Many years ago, a kid in my village suffered strange sickness after he chased after a whirlwind for fun in front of his house. His grandma went to consult a spirit medium and the medium said the kid's soul was taken away by those spirits.

It took the family a lot of effort both medicinally and spiritually to bring the boy back to health. Even after recovery, the kid was never himself again. He seemed to have lost his soul and liked to sit quietly alone. 

Of course, there must be a scientific explanation on such an occurrence. 

Jann is said to dwell only in desert areas of the Middle East. It is believed that this spirit is neither good or bad as it will help anyone it likes. There are very few conjuration of Jann because it is believed to be unpredictable as the weather itself.

More so it is proven scientifically that wind is caused by air movements due to atmospheric pressure differences of two areas. Anyone who still believes in wind spirits could become the laughing stalks of others.

Those people who live near desert will agree that desert storms are the most undesirable things to experience because once besieged by desert storm, there are bound to be loses. A desert storm can even change the landscape of a desert overnight hence Jann that has the power over desert storm is still very much revered until today.

According to my master, it is very important for a conjuror to master the skill of working with a Jann jinni as he will need the Jann's protection while working in the desert. Translated this advice to modern time is that a conjuror must understand the weather pattern of a location to be safe.

So said, there are some basic principals for working with a powerful Jann. Conjuring a Jann requires a sacred plant such as frankincense or myrrh of reasonable size. Then the conjuror should sit in front of the tree and look into the vast desert or deep blue sky.

When the condition is right, he will see a figure approach him/her and this is the Jann.

Once this basic contact is done, the conjuror must work slowly with his Jann on weather forecast especially the wind strength and direction changes of the day.

My personal experience is that when my Jann is around, I seldom caught in the rain or I will never go out during strong winds and heavy rains. Still, there are a lot to do with my Jann. Hence, I can only share my experience generally to you at this point.

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