Sunday, September 9, 2018

Knocking On Heaven's Door (叩启天堂之门)

This is supposed to be the Judgement Day...

To most people, they must wait until the day of judgement to see either the gate of heaven or hell opens to them. A conjuror don't need to spend such a long time unless he/she has certain foundation to qualify he/she to have a foretaste of what is coming ahead.

The prerequisite is that the conjuror must first obtain an authentic angelic contact or this exercise becomes merely a mind game at the end of the day. In that case, other than time wasting; no harm or surprises await him/her.

However, if the person indeed has a real angelic guide, then this exercise will enable him/her to open the gate of heaven or hell in that matter. Some of my fellow conjurors became so shocked that they abandoned this exercise halfway.

First of all, the ritual must be carried out in a totally dark apace such as in a darkroom or in a cave. The duration is normally 7 days for one session but it can be terminated at anytime if the person is not felling well. Once the ritual is terminated, then the person is deemed not suitable to see beyond the heaven's gate.

After seated, the conjuror summonses his guardian angel. This is what he/she has to do for the whole ritual.

As soon as the angel appear, the conjuror must stop praying and meditate in silent. The angel will raise its head towards the sky. A ray of light will emit from the angel's forehead towards the center of the sky (God).

After a while, from infinite distance down came countless of angels each emitting white light or red light. These angelic choirs gradually gathered around forming a dome above the conjuror.

Then these angelic choirs, the angelic guide, the representation of God (a dot) and the conjuror become connected by a display of magical net weaved by lights of various colors.

This concludes the first of 7 sessions.

On the following sessions, more angelic entities are added and hence forming a grander magical net. The conjuror must be able to establish this visualization or real experience before proceed to the next.

Once the conjuror feels comfortable with the above visualization, he must also knock on the hell's door to complete this ritual. The exercise is as above but now the ground beneath him/her turned into a deep abyss.

Like the angels, hell beings rushed out and took their positions. If the conjuror is not brave enough, he/she will panic and try to run out of the darkroom or cave. If he/she escaped, then this person will become insane. There are people felt that they well pulled into the hell by demonic forces.

If the conjuror holds his/her position. Then the above magical net of light will slowly descend and connected with the demonic entities. This process purifies the demons to angelic beings. For example, I saw Lilith being purified and her lower serpent body became legs.

This is the stage of luminosity similar to the Dzongchen, or the Heaven in Bible. 

Once this state of light is imprinted in the conjuror's mind, then he/she only need to stay in such a meditative state until the end of his/her time.

If you want to try the exercise, then my advice is to sort out your darker side first before being sucked into the abyss. I can't promise you that if you will be visiting heaven or hell, the judgement process will not be very easy going.

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